Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

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Sometimes you try a new workout, exercise, or supplement and all of a sudden you gain big time! The results are amazing and you only wish you had known about it sooner. Below are bodybuilding tips that people have submitted to us because they worked wonderfully! Don't forget to help out and send us your bodybuilding tips! Just e-mail us!

Fastest Chest Builder -By Ross Johnson
Hello, I have a exercise which you may have heard of, but is unlisted on your site. This is the fastest chest builder I've ever tried, and I think you may find it useful.

Step one: Lay on a flat bench as if you were doing a bench-press. With a smaller bar, usually the ones with curved hand areas, place your hands toward the center for better results, with index fingers about 5 inches apart.

Step two: Place the bar between the nipple region, and move it only about one inch above your face, then behind your head, and as close to the ground as possible. Then pull it back to it's starting position, keeping it about an inch above your face/chest at all times.

This is a very useful technique, and not too difficult, I recommend starting bodybuilders to use about 20 pounds (10 on each side), and to work from there. I use 50 pounds on each side, and the results are astounding.

Thank you

Get Big Forearms -By
Do this workout twice a week, no less, no more:

Sit down on a bench. Grab a light dumbbell. Grab the end of the dumbbell and do wrist curls but make sure you do them very slowly and squeeze at contraction for maximum growth. Do 3 sets of 8. Now do 3 sets of reverse wrist curls the same way but this time use a lighter dumbbell than you did for wrist curls since it will be harder to curl.

This routine not only enhances the size of your forearms significantly, but also increases muscular definition. Soon you will see bumps and veins popping out of your forearms. Compare grabbing the end of a dumbbell to grabbing the middle of the dumbbell. My routine works great. I used to grab the middle of the dumbbell but wasn't seeing any results. Do this routine I listed and get back to me if you'd like. I am interested to know your results.

Add 25-50 Pounds to Your Bench Press in Just 3 Weeks -By
I have been a personal trainer for the past two years, and am currently sponsored by Supreme Supplements, The easiest way for you to add an extreme amount of weight lies in the way of 3 exercises.

Exercise A) Do at least 150-200 pushups after every chest workout. These should no be all done at once, but do them in 4-8 sets. Pushups allow you to gain strength at the bottom of a bench press, where you are most likely to be weak.

Exercise B) If you aren't doing rotator cuff exercises, you are sacrificing large amounts of weight on your bench press, because the rotator cuff is one of the prime stabilizer of the movement, allowing you to move more weight. The other reason is that you are going to blow your shoulder doing heavy benches to gain size, but the injury will put you out for up to 6 months, how big are you gonna get if you can't workout? If you are interested in any exercises, feel free to forward an email to:

Exercise C) Don't just use free-weight benches and flyes. Try using a Hammer Strength chest machine, either the incline or regular chest press. The benefits of this machine is that it better allows you to isolate your pectorals by taking the triceps and deltoids out of the movement. Stronger pectorals will allow for a tighter contraction, which means more growth and strength.

Please feel free to send an email to me concerning weight lifting questions or comments, Jamie Charles (PTS)

Bigger & More Toned Pectoral Muscles -By
I found a routine I used at some time useful for developing thick,toned pectoral muscles here's how it went:

1. Bench Press-3-4 sets of 6-8 reps with dumbbells, barbells, or cable pulleys
2. Incline Press-3-4 sets of 6-8 reps
3. Dips-3-4 sets of 12-15-20 reps (when you can do 20 reps add weight)
4. Close-grip bench press-3-4 sets of 6-8 reps (hands 4 inches apart)
Strength and Size Routine...8 Weeks -By
Monday- Bench workout
Bench press 3x3-5 negatives every 2 weeks.
Incline bench press 3x3-5
Parallel dips 3x5
Dumbbell flyes 1x10 just to stretch...
Overhead triceps ext 3x6
Cable push downs 3x6
body weight dips 2xfailure
Ab work

Wednesday- Dead lift workout
Dead lift 4x3-5
Dumbbell shrugs 4x6-10
Close grip Lat pull-downs 5x6
Dumbbell rows 3xfailure
Preacher curls 4x6
Dumbbell curls 2x6
Hammer curls 2x6

Behind back wrist curls 2xfailure
Ab work

Friday- Squat workout
Squat 3x3-5
Lunges 3x6
Leg curls 3x6
Calf raises 3x10
Ab work

Caribbean Sauce -By Niven Sookhoo
Ok. This is one of the best ways I have found to make very bland food taste absolutely terrific. Never underestimate the use of good condiments. Ingredients: a few cloves of shelled garlic, sweet peppers, onions, ginger, parsley, chive, sweet peppers, a hot pepper (depending on taste), coriander. Add 1 cup of water to a blender, add the chopped up ingredients and puree. Empty and store in refrigerator. Simply add a teaspoon or so. These are so widely used back home and they are so convenient!

Forearm Exercise -By Nelson Jackson

I have a cool exercise for building the forearms. Buy a 12 pound, 36 inch, sledge hammer and some hockey tape. Wrap the entire handle with the tape. Next, mark the tape every inch along the entire handle. This is your "Handle of Power". From a standing position, grasp the handle with one hand and try to raise the head of the sledge. Do not bend your elbow! Switch hands. Find a distance from the head, that will give you a 6-8 rep set. Do 6-8 sets. I usually start my workouts with wrist curls...6-8 reps for 6-8 sets, then I do the hammer work, then grips (10-15 reps, 10 sets, with a very LARGE wood clamp, believe it or not - from the local hardware store).

Just try to get to the end of the handle!!! For party tricks, I squash beer caps with the tips of my fingers...


Mathew Helmer.

Aerobics for Everybody -By Nelson Jackson
As an aerobic instructor, I am constantly teased from men in the weight room who view aerobic classes as a FEMALE thing. But the truth is that for anyone to have a well rounded program. Aerobic training is part of it.

I challenged 3 men to try one of my classes. after the class they admitted that is was harder than they thought and admire women for being so tough.

Why do you need to do cardio? to burn off fat you must do some kind of aerobic training. You see weight training and aerobic training goes together like beans and rice. I developed boot camp classes which is very popular with the men.

Aerobic classes in my opinion is better than the treadmill. in the fact that there is Hip music, a lot of support, and constant variety. there is only so much treadmill stuff you can do.

Plus aerobic training helps in the fact that it increases you metabolism. It is proven that after a high intensity class, you are burning more calories after class. Than you would if you just sit there. Plus it works on your endurance system.

It is also very good for the heart and lungs. these are thing that you can not achieve in the weight room alone. So GROUP classes are not a female thing. it is a Everybody thing.

Educate your mind before you judge.


The Most Important Tip for the Whole Body -By Mohammed Ali Ahmed
In bodybuilding most people thinks that if they do more exercise and eat more then they will develop a good body. Eating more is true for some extend but doing more exercises is waste of time, energy, money and mind. The most important and precious think that I found in bodybuilding is the resting time between your workouts. Whatever type of exercise or workout you want to do you can do but if you do not rest in the right way then you can't able to develop a massive body. (Because muscles do not develop in the training period they only develop in resting period and if your resting period are not long enough then you can't be able to develop a good muscle). So only you can decide that which resting routine is best for you. You can do as follows:

(Different routines)

1 day on and 1 day off training (Monday training, Tuesday rest, then Wed training, Thurs rest and so on)
3 days on training and 1 day rest and so on.
4 days on training and 1 day rest and so on.
5 days training and 2 days rest and so on.
Whatever resting routine you think is best for you then you should apply it. You know I gain 22 pound of my weight (not fat) in just 3 months by applying the above routine. The routine, which I like most, is 1 day on and 1 day off OR 5 days on and 2 days off.
Apply any of these routines and you will see the results. (If you are a beginner then you should train 6 days on 1 day off for 1 week then again 6 days on 1 day off for second week do the same till 1 months and then apply any of the above routine).

Staying on Track Through Depression -By Nelson Jackson
Christmas time has a higher suicide rate than any other time of the year. Many people are sad at this time of year and depression can really mess up your training. Here are some tips I use to keep myself going.

1.Plan a competition (IF you have something to work towards, then you're more likely to stay).
2. Try to enlist a friend (during times when I am down, I grab a bud and that makes me want to workout).
3. Talk to someone (If you feel like life is unbearable, open up to someone you trust).
4. Take a quiet walk in the woods (This can sooth your soul.)
5. Reward yourself.
6. Try to do yoga (I find this VERY helpful.)
7. Do something for others (I find that this makes me feel good).
8. Go and have fun, most depressed people isolate themselves. Get out and have fun!)
9. Last but not least, tell yourself everyday that you love you and you're worth living.

I know this may sound corny and all mushy. But as a chronicly depressed person. I have grown to learn to do simple things to make my life better. Write me at

My Favorite Mass Building Workout -By David Elder
Day One
Warm up with 60 step-ups
Abdominal crunches 30 reps
Wrestlers bridge 20 reps
Squat warm up with 2 sets of 8-10 reps, then one set of 10 reps
Bench press warm up with one set of 10, then one set of 10
Military press one set of 10
Dumbbell row one set of 10

Day Two
Warm up, abdominal crunches and wrestlers bridge the same as day one
Deadlift warm up with one set of 10, then one set of 10 with the same weight as day one squat
Parallel bar dips warm up with one set of 10, then one set of 10
Weighted chin-ups one set of 10
Rear deltoid exercise one set of 12
Barbell curl one set of 10

Personal Workout! -By Adam Wilson
Hey I've been bodybuilding now for about 24 months, and for most of the time I've been quite confused as to finding a perfect workout. Well, recently I decided to blow all this crap that I found on the internet and design my own personal workout. I simply used the knowledge I already have, and integrated that into what I wanted to. I'm not saying that these people are wrong by saying that you need to leave your body at least a week before your workout is again, but this is just shit for me. I have found that doing my new routine (Mon. - legs, Tues. - back n' shoulders, Wed. - chest abs, Thurs. - arms) works real well. It's not this routine that works well, it's the work I do in between the times that has shown me best gains. This extra work is nothing more simple than a few light bench presses, etc. Nothing too hard, just something easy. It has given me more definition to my muscles, and I have noticed slight gains in my chest. But as this is only my 2nd week on this trial test, I cannot say that it is my perfect workout, but at the moment, it seems that way!

Gain 1/2" on Your Arms -By Bryan
I have found out a great way to build biceps/triceps, fast! I call this my 20-40-80 workout. First you take dumbbells that you would consider, real heavy. Then you do 20 standing curls(10 each arm). After that, you go 20 pounds lighter, and do 40 standing curls (20 each arm). Finally, you drop another 20 pounds off the weight, and do 80 standing curls (40 each arm). Keep in mind you want to have at least "good form" when doing this mini-workout. For even more gains, do this forwards, and then backwards, 20-40-80 then 80-40-20. You can keep going back a forth. This has helped me gain 5.5 pounds in one month, and half an inch on my arms. Trust me, it works!!

Chest Exercise -By Jimmy Knuckles
I found a great new exercise awhile back (by accident no less) that I've been using for about a month and a half and I've seen results that I never saw as quickly with my old routine. This is a great exercise not only for the CHEST, but it's also hitting the ABS and the LOWER BACK all at the same time.

I was using an Icarian Ab Isolator #702 machine... it's the one where you sit down with your feet on a bar and use your abs to flex forward and push two (or one) pads forward while the bar goes upward pushing your knees into your chest.

I was not using the pedal thing, just keeping my feet flat on the ground and was finishing my last few reps. I got tired while holding the last one while punishing my abs and I flexed my chest. I held my chest flexed and felt it begin to burn. Here's what I've found after doing this for a while:

Use a weight about 50% more than your max for your abs *YOU don't use your abs alone on this**

Lean forward using your back and chest to get the weight so your holding the weight so it can't push back. Then flex your chest and hold for 3 seconds like you do with any exercise to get that 'ripped' effect, then let go. The weight should only move about half an inch, maybe an inch if you already have huge chest.

You push all the weight a small amount with your chest, your abs and back will be hit too while balancing the weight in between reps. I usually max out at about 130lbs for abs, but I do 215 (3 five pound keys on a max 200 lbs Icarian) for this exercise since you don't lift the weight, your only pushing it a small amount forward by flexing, getting ripped while holding, and using your back/abs to 'lean' into getting and holding the weight in position.

Holy shit, I just noticed how long this letter got. Anyway thought I'd pas

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

Women Fitness Tips Male Fitness Model Motivation Model Workout Tumblr Before And After Diet Competition Quotes Back Body Photos Images Wallpapers

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