Home Workout Routines Biography
Source(Google.com.pk)Luke Carson is Ireland's #1 Artistic Gymnast. At just 23 years of age, he had already represented Northern Ireland in the Commonwealth Games, and Ireland at world level.
He just missed out on the London 2012 Olympic Games due to suffering a leg injury in qualification. Born in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, Luke is also keen to become a fitness model while training for the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow 2014, and the Olympic Games in Rio 2016.
He aims to compete and win medals in both events, alongside his sister Bethany, Irish Olympic team swimming star.
May I start by saying how excited I am to be associated with such a dynamic, forward-thinking and responsive brand!
People see athletes like myself and take it for granted that we each time the Postman comes to the door that it's another delivery of products. That may be the case for some - but they are the few. So when a brand like Machine Fitness takes note of where one is in their career, and invests in where one intends to be, it makes life on the long journey to success that a little bit easier. So, here I am. Excited and finally decked in cool training and lifestyle wear that will be the envy of even my gym pal, Team GB gold medal winner in London, Louis Smith.
I should have been in London alongside Louis but injury ruined my dream of competing in the Games last summer. As a result, I didn't watch the Games and I still haven't watched them. Indeed, I feel physically sick when I see reference to them on TV or in the media. It hurt so bad. When I returned to Huntington in January 2013, it was with a renewed determination to scream out loud that Luke Carson was on his way. My goals are set and I am on the road to hauling them in. 2013 is a massive year for me. The qualification cycle to Rio 2016 has begun and I aim to make my breakthrough this year, and at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow next year. I am stronger and fitter than I ever have been - and there are no words to describe the intense determination I have inside to make all the years of dedication return rewards. My association with Machine Fitness is an award already, and I have no doubt more will follow with the achievement of my goals.
I am looking forward to blogging with Machine Fitness and hope you drop by the website each time I get something off my chest - like a Machine Fitness shirt after a gruelling session!
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August 14, 2013 by Machine Fitness
Tags: Biographyre the top three concerns for the average dieter.
The Bio Shaker retails for $150 to $250, depending on the retailer. The official website does not appear to sell the product, but it does provide a product description.
List of Ingredients
Vibration machine by Sunny Health and Fitness.
Product Features
According to the product description for the Bio Shaker, the vibration machine increases circulation and movement of joints. The company also claims the machine will improve fitness levels, though we are not sold on this claim. Firm, toned muscles are not likely to result from resting feet on a vibrating platform.
The machine spans measures 25 inches by 20 inches and holds up to 250 pounds. The user can rest feet on the platform in a seated position, or stand on the platform for total body vibration. There is no frame sold with the Bio Shaker, so the user should position the platform next to a counter top or desk for support if balance is a problem.
The machine comes with variable settings and a remote control, but there is no information on how to use the platform in the official description. We assume the company sends a user’s guide with the order, but that is not mentioned.
We found one consumer complaint that claimed the Bio Shaker caused a serious ligament injury. While the complaint is not substantiated, users should be cautious ve had the opportunity to observe Mark Lauren's training program in action. He was responsible for training my Special Operations troops to prepare them for the most intense combat operations. The progress was phenomenal. He took the best of the best, most of them former athletes, and made them stronger and leaner than they'd ever been. Best of all, they can use Mark’s program anywhere, for the rest of their lives.” — Geoffrey McClendon, Lt. Colonel
Mark Lauren is an international bestselling fitness author that has effectively prepared over 700 trainees for the extreme demands of the most elite levels of the U.S. Special Operations community. After winning several teen bodybuilding titles, Mark started his military career by being one of twelve to graduate the Pararescue/Combat Control Indoctrination Course, in a class that started over 100 trainees. As an experienced operator, during mission planning and execution of airfield seizures, combat search & rescue, close air support, and reconnaissance & surveillance missions, he trained troops capable of immediate deployment into areas of forward combat operation by military free-fall, static-line, all-terrain vehicles, overland, scuba, and other amphibious means.
Mark was hand-picked by the Advanced Skills Training Commander to ensure commissioned Special Tactics candidates remained physically able to "lead from the front" throughout the trying two years of training.
As their physical training instructor, he enabled highly productive training to take place despite space, time, and equipment restrictions, and completely restructured training programs, resulting in a 40% reduction of student injuries and failures. Mark personally tailored physical training programs and diets to suit the individual needs of candidates and monitored their progress, as well as totally revamping the courses' physical training programs.
Leading by example has always been Mark's credo, and for this and his physical prowess he was often chosen to lead officers through all physical training events during the extremely rigorous Special Tactics Officer (STO) Selection course, which he did at a punishing pace. Lauren's active duty and civilian employment has taken him all around the world to teach, including Iraq and Afghanistan. During the three years following his military service, Mark Lauren spent much of his free time training at various Muay Thai gyms throughout Thailand. After training abroad a total of 7 months, Mark managed to capture the FL IKF Middle Weight Championship and a professional belt in Phuket, Thailand. Lauren broke, and still holds, the Pararescue/Combat Control Indoctrination Course's long standing "underwater record" by swimming 133 meters, on one breath, subsurface, for 2 minutes and 23 seconds, until losing conscious
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